Lift up Holy Hands Because of the Times Alexandia La.

For God hath Called you for such a Time as this. Without Holiness no man shall see God. God is calling us to him with a mighty hand and an out stretched arm. He is calling his people unto him. We need to lift up Holy hands in the presence of the LORD. He still calls out to us now like never before. IF I if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. Because of the times, God is calling us to a place of exhalation of the Name that is above every name. The wonderful mighty glorious name of Jesus. Click on title above and Worship with the Pentecostals of Alexandria La. I fill the Holy Ghost challenging us to Lift up Holy hands and sing with them unto the One true living God with an expectation and watch as the glory of the Lord begins to move in your heart and life as you lift him up. Lift him up magnify and worship Him. For it is written " Clap your hands all ye people and Shout unto GOD with a voice of Triumph". O come let us magnify the LORD together. For he is Great and Greatly to be Praised.