North American Union and Vchip Video

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We are on the brink of eternity. The bible lets us know that perilous times shall come. Perilous times are not only coming, They are here! Never in history since the days prior to Christ first coming have the prophesies been being fulfilled as swiftly as they are in this present hour of time we are now living in. When I first saw this video it was as if I was starring into the face of the beast.

People we had better wake up. The hour of the anti- Christ is upon us. Some where around 1995 God impressed upon me that there would be a major event in prophesy take place in 2007. I now believe that we have seen that. We are now into 2008, the number 7 represents a time of completion, it is often referred to as God's number. The number eight represents and new beginning. I believe that 2007 marked a completion in the prophetic realm of time and 2008 is the beginning of a new hour of this dispensation in the prophetic realm. I believe that 2007 was a year in which the anti-Christ really began to emerge and gather strength and momentum in his rise to power. 2008 will be a year that may very well usher him into the forefront in his quest and establish him as a world leader.

The harlot stands on ready to join herself to him and the power of the beast will align behind him to give him more and more power. Beware and be vigilant because he will have the charisma that will deceive many even the very elect if possible. If ever there was a time for us to watch and pray it is now. Stir up the gift that is within all of us and contend for the faith like never before. Pray for wisdom and understanding and discernment that this hour does not catch you unaware.

Click on the title at the top of this post to see video.


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